Created by George 2 years ago
of Brian from George Grafton
I have known Brian from school days but only really got to know him
when we were in the Sixth Form. He was extremely generous in his
hospitality, as were the rest of his family. I enjoyed so many
Sunday evenings, before and after he was married, playing cards,
singing or just chatting with the group of friends who turned up
without invitation to his house. He was always offering me
holidays, either in tents or caravans along with the other friends.
The first I remember was camping in Jersey where he brought all the
necessary equipment for the two week stay. My only job had been to
bring some pans, which I forgot to do. After that, followed
many holidays in Woolacombe or Abersoch, still relying on him to
supply accommodation and supplies.
Apart from my mother, he and family members Dianne, Keith, his father and a
mutual friend John, were the only support on my side of the church at
my wedding in Ireland.
Though I have seldom seen him in the last 50 years, he remained a valued
friend and one I am very sorry to lose. My condolences to all his